Before Kybella: What You Should Know

If you are worried about the appearance of a double chin or pockets of fat below your jawline, getting Kybella®, can resolve your concerns. As a nonsurgical treatment that delivers remarkable results, Kybella® can help you bid farewell to your double chin without intensive surgeries.

Before you get Kybella® to obtain a sharp and defined jawline, you may want to know a few details about the treatment. From learning how to prepare for Kybella® to knowing what to expect from the procedure, this information can get you acquainted with various aspects of the process.

To help you through this journey, here is what to know before Kybella®.

Kybella® Is The Only FDA-Approved Injectable For Treating Double Chin

Kybella® is made from deoxycholic acid. In its natural form, deoxycholic acid is a substance that is produced by our bodies to absorb fat. When Kybella® introduces the synthetic form of deoxycholic acid to your fat cells under your chin, it effectively yet safely starts breaking down these fat cells.

Most People Can Get Kybella® And Get Effective Results

Anyone over 18 years of age can safely receive Kybella®. This not only adds to the popularity of the treatment, but also makes it easy for you to obtain it through a specialized provider.

Since double chin can occur due to weight gain, aging, or genetics, many people over the age of 18 can be ideal candidates for Kybella®. But if you have loosened skin under your jawline, then you might need to look into a surgical option instead. This surgery not only contours your chin, but also trims excess skin from around the area to deliver a youthful appearance.

Kybella® Treatments Only Take A Few Minutes Per Session

The treatment only takes a few minutes at most. The injectable treatment also poses minimal to no downtime and allows you to resume most usual activities right after your session. This makes Kybella® a highly preferable option over more intensive treatments such as liposuction.

Some people may need multiple injections of Kybella® in order to obtain the desired results. These injections are typically spread 6 weeks apart. In many cases, you may only need 2-3 treatments to see significant results and bid farewell to your double chin.

You Don’t Have to Take Special Measures To Prepare For Kybella®

  • Your provider will determine if Kybella is the right choice for you.
  • Understand that you may experience side effects such as swelling, bruising, and numbness for a few weeks after treatment.
  • Discuss your aesthetic goals with a seasoned provider to manage your expectations.

Explore Your Options for Kybella® In Long Beach, CA

To set up a consultation and begin your assessment for a Kybella treatment, contact Dr. Josh Waltzman or Aesthetic Nurse, Carissa Brown at The Waltzman Institute today. You can make your appointment by calling (562) 448-6100 or filling out this online form.