Combining a Facelift with a Necklift

It becomes increasingly difficult to hide the signs of aging over time. Unfortunately, our age most often shows on our faces and necks, because these are the areas of the body that are constantly exposed to the sun and also where everyone looks! Today we will explore one of the most effective treatments to reverse the visible signs of aging – the combined facelift and necklift surgery.

Why Combine a Facelift with a Necklift?

There are several benefits to combining the facelift and necklift surgeries. For most people, the tolls of aging are apparent in their faces and their necks and addressing the face without the neck may actually make the neck appear worse by comparison. By combining the surgeries, most patients save money and another round of recovery time. Finally, some parts of the surgical procedures may overlap or complement each other, and a combined surgery will allow your surgeon to make the most aesthetic changes to your lower face, chin, and neck areas.

A combined facelift and necklift can improve your appearance in many ways, by:

  • Eliminating sagging skin under the eyes, around the mouth and cheeks.
  • Restoring the angle between the neck and the chin.
  • Tightening loose-appearing skin in both the face and the neck.
  • Reducing the appearance of “jowls.”
  • Eliminating excess fat in the lower face, chin, and neck.
  • Smoothing wrinkles in the face and neck.

How is a Facelift and Necklift Combination Surgery Performed?

The facelift and necklift procedures involve more than just pulling and tightening the skin.  While older facelift procedures did this, Dr. Waltzman uses state-of-the-art techniques in facelift and necklift surgeries.  This approach entails treatment of underlying muscles, fat, and the skin for a natural-looking outcome.  Fat may also be transferred to areas that have a hollowed-out appearance, to create a more youthful look. Dr. Waltzman studies your natural bone structure and contours and will extensively discuss your goals to design a custom surgical plan for your face; his expertise in aesthetics shows in every one of his patients!

The facelift and necklift combination surgery is performed under general anesthesia.  First, Dr. Waltzman will make some incisions just behind the hairline at the sideburns and around the ears. He may also make an incision just below the chin.  The discreet placement of the incisions will allow him to surgically repair and lift the underlying muscles and other tissue for a youthful face and neck! Finally, excess skin will be removed and sutures placed artfully to maximize healing and minimize scarring.

What will My Recovery be like?

Many patients experience bruising and some swelling after a facelift and necklift, but you will begin to notice changes to your face and neck as soon as you remove the bandages the day after surgery. Most patients spend the first couple of weeks after surgery recovering at home to allow their face and neck to heal. During this time, it is important that you follow all of your post-surgery recommendations and recovery plan set forth by Dr. Waltzman. Avoiding strenuous activity is particularly important during this time of healing.

After about two weeks, most patients can cover residual bruising with makeup and return to work or social activities. Your surgical scars will begin fading and are usually covered by the hair and contours of the ears.  In roughly one month, most of the swelling should subside and you will begin to see your final results. While some minor swelling may persist for several weeks after this point, you should have minimal changes beyond this time of recovery.

It is important to note that your skin will continue to change with time. Most patients are quite happy with the results of their surgery for a decade or more!

Call us today at (562) 448-6100 to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards reversing the signs of aging!