How Can You Choose the Most Natural-Looking Breast Augmentation Options?

If you are not satisfied with your breasts because they are too small, are starting to sag from age or childbirth, or are asymmetrical, you probably already know that a breast augmentation surgery could be a good option for you. However, you may be worried that your new breasts will look unnatural or that everyone will know that you have undergone surgery. Fortunately, when you work with a talented and experienced plastic surgeon such as Dr. Waltzman, you can make choices that will results in natural-looking breasts that will increase your self-confidence and help you fall in love with your body. Here’s how you can choose the most natural-looking breast augmentation options for your unique frame.

Initial Considerations

Before you get into questions about size and type of implant, your surgeon will first go through some initial questions to get a good idea of general health, preferences, and your history. He’ll examine the quality and texture of your skin to determine how elastic it is as skin stretching around too-large implants is one telltale sign of an augmentation. He’ll also find out whether you’ve had children and if you’ve breastfed in the past or plan to in the future. He’ll also measure the width of your breast and determine how much breast tissue you currently have. Finally, your surgeon will ask you a number of questions to determine your preferences, lifestyle, and goals for your body after surgery.

Type of Implant

Dr. Waltzman offers three types of implants for his breast augmentation patients. Silicone implants, saline implants, and IDEAL implants. While silicone implants have been the top choice of many patients in past years, the saline implant is sometimes preferable for women who want a firmer implant and who like the peace of mind knowing that if an implant ruptures, the saline will be absorbed safely in the body. However, many times Dr. Waltzman will encourage his patients to consider his newest implant, the IDEAL implant. IDEAL implants combine the best of saline and silicone implants and have a natural feel and are very safe. These saline-based implants have a series of chambers that allow them to feel soft and natural while also maintaining their shape. Additionally, they are incredibly durable, achieve a seamless contour with the chest wall, and require a smaller incision than silicone implants. For these reasons, they are becoming a popular choice for women who want a natural look and feel to their breasts after surgery is complete.

Type of Incision

Dr. Waltzman offers two types of incisions: the inframammary and the peri-areolar. For those women who want incision scars hidden in the fold of the breast and who want to preserve milk ducts for possible breastfeeding, he always suggests the inframammary. The doctor finds that most women who have this incision are easily able to hide their scars with bras or swimsuits. If the peri-areolar incision is chosen due to the nature of the surgery, the scars can still be hidden around the borders of the nipples.

Size of Implant

After the type of implant has been chosen, it’s time to focus on size. One of the best ways for you to determine what size of implant will look best on you is to examine before and after pictures of women with a similar frame who have already undergone surgery. Dr. Waltzman has a number of these examples he can show you during consultation. Along with choosing what size of implant will look the best, you should also take into consideration your lifestyle. If you are a runner or swimmer, for example, you will want to make sure you are not choosing breasts that will have a negative impact on your active lifestyle. As Dr. Waltzman learns more about your preferences, hobbies, career, and other lifestyle considerations in your consultation, he will be able to make a recommendation on a range of sizes that will give you the best results.

If you are unsatisfied with your breast size, volume, or firmness for any reason, now is the perfect time to consider a breast augmentation. When you schedule a consultation with Dr. Waltzman, you will know you are in the hands of a true professional. He will help guide you through the process, answer any questions you have, and ensure you are making the right choices for the most natural breast results.