Is Eyelid Surgery Right for You?

While the saying “the eyes are the windows to the soul” may be true, the delicate skin around the eyes and eyelid area is one of the first places to show signs of premature aging. Fatty deposits and musculature of the eyelids and the pockets surrounding the eyes change, become puffy and begin to droop.

Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, is a surgical procedure that restores youth and vibrancy to eyes by bringing structural integrity and volume to the surrounding skin.

How Do You Know If the Time Is Right to Consider Eyelid Surgery?

If you find yourself with pronounced undereye bags and drooping upper lids, despite being well-rested, unstressed, and relaxed, time could be taking its natural course and changing your skin and eye composition.

While some people remain unbothered by the hallmarks of aging, many patients don’t enjoy looking in the mirror and seeing a tired or unfriendly-seeming face staring back at them.

If you’ve tried other natural remedies such as proper skin care, adequate rest and nutrition, and maybe a non-surgical option such as dermal fillers, but are still frustrated by droopy, tired eyes, you may want to consider blepharoplasty.

Some patients also get brilliant results from adding a complementary surgery such as a brow lift, but it’s best to make this decision after consulting with an experienced and leading aesthetic and plastic surgeon such as Dr. Josh Waltzman.

Long Beach’s Leading Eyelid Surgeon

Though eyelid surgery is a relatively simple procedure with a quick recovery time, surgically altering any aspect of your appearance is a significant decision only you can make. If you are in good health, have realistic expectations for the outcome of the procedure, and have a positive mindset, blepharoplasty in Long Beach, CA, could be an ideal anti-aging solution for you.

Reach out to Dr. Waltzman in Long Beach, CA, at (562) 448-6100 or fill out our online form for a virtual consultation and begin your journey toward a more confident, younger you.