Issues a Neck Lift Can Address

The neck can be one of the most elegant and defining features of one’s physique.

Unfortunately, as we age, the passage of time often disproportionately affects the neck’s appearance. Loose skin, jowls, a poorly defined jawline and the dreaded double chin are common issues at this stage.

Fortunately, a neck lift with Dr. Waltzman at his premium plastic surgery clinic in Long Beach, CA, is the perfect solution to all these cosmetic concerns.

Here, we’ll look at how these undesirable physical attributes occur, and how neck lift surgery fixes them to provide patients with a graceful, long, slender neck.

What Leads to an Aesthetically Displeasing Neck?

In our youth, our skin produces high amounts of proteins that maintain its tight structural integrity.

These proteins – specifically, elastin and collagen – keep our skin smooth and wrinkle-free. Over time, however, the body slows the production of these proteins, which causes the skin to lose its elasticity.

When this occurs, fatty deposits shift and skin begins to sag, leading to jowls, double chins, soft jawlines, and loose neck skin.

How Does a Neck Lift Solve These Issues?

By expertly removing specific amounts of skin from selected areas, board-certified plastic surgeons such as Dr. Waltzman can artistically stretch and reshape the neck region. In tightening the skin of the lower face, neck, and upper chest, Dr Waltzman can re-establish contours, remove a double chin, and smooth over wrinkles and jowls.

Regardless of your aesthetic concerns about your neck, Dr. Waltzman is here to help. Start your journey toward looking and feeling your best now by calling (562) 448-6100 or filling out our online form for a virtual consultation from the convenience and safety of your home.