Liquid Facelift vs. Surgical Facelift: What Are the Differences?

Aging comes with many challenges, including the look of your skin. As we age, our skin starts to sag, wrinkle, and lose fullness. Though these changes are natural, the desire to look more youthful remains valid.

Thankfully, you can slow the signs of aging. Facelifts, whether liquid or surgical, can address these skin issues with long-term results. Here are the differences between liquid and surgical facelifts so you can decide which is right for you.

What Are Liquid Facelifts?

Injections of dermal fillers reduce sagging skin and wrinkles. Get a liquid facelift to plump lips, tighten wrinkles, or diminish scars. Liquid facelifts provide these benefits:

  • Slows aging skin
  • No surgical cutting
  • Long-lasting results
  • Fast recovery time

How Do Liquid Facelifts Work?

As we age, connective tissue breaks down. Fillers reduce these visual effects. Schedule a consultation with us to discuss what you’re looking to achieve. If you are worried about pain, you may request local anesthetic for numbing. All injections take place in one, 30-minute treatment.

Who Are Ideal Candidates for Liquid Facelifts?

Ideal candidates have minimal signs of aging skin. If you take blood thinners, inform your doctor, as these medications can cause increased bruising. Ideal candidates must be willing to stop smoking, avoid alcohol consumption, and stop taking aspirin and NSAIDs at least two days before the procedure.

What Results Can You Expect From a Liquid Facelift?

Expect immediate results, with the exception of poly-L-lactic acid-based fillers. These results may take several weeks. Though some bruising and redness are typical, most people resume their typical activities right away.

What Are Surgical Facelifts?

Surgical facelifts aid in the reduction of visual aging, typically on the neck and the lower two-thirds of the face. Surgical facelifts provide the following benefits:


  • Tightened facial muscles
  • Removal of loose skin
  • Long-lasting effects

How Do Surgical Facelifts Work?

Beforehand, you will complete blood work and a physical work-up as part of the evaluation. Dr. Waltzman may ask you to abstain from specific medications to reduce the risk of bruising. Your surgical team will put you under general anesthesia before surgery. The incision begins in front of the ear, down to the lower scalp, and involves raising the skin and tightening the tissues and muscles. Dr. Waltzman may remove or redistribute excess fat. Then, he repositions the skin, removes excess skin, and closes the incisions.

Who Are Ideal Candidates for Surgical Facelifts?

Ideal candidates are people with significant wrinkles, sagging skin, and other signs of aging. Patients should be nonsmokers with no history of substance abuse.

What Results Can You Expect After a Surgical Facelift?

Aftercare is an essential part of recovery. Dr. Waltzman may prescribe pain medication. Recovery takes about three weeks, with full results in 60 days. 

Let Facelifts Help You Live Your Best Life

You may feel reluctant to address your desires for improved skin. Know that the aging process is a completely normal part of life; if you seek skin improvements, a facelift is worth pursuing. Contact us and meet with Dr. Waltzman, a board-certified plastic surgeon emphasizing personalized treatment.