Taming Your Tummy After Weight Loss

Losing a significant amount of weight is a fantastic accomplishment. Still, despite the amount of time and effort you’ve put into losing weight, you may find that your lifestyle changes are just not enough to achieve your goals. In these instances, many people turn to cosmetic procedures to treat trouble areas in their midsection.

Tummy tucks make it possible to tackle these issues through cosmetic surgery. With the correct procedure, you can achieve a firmer, more toned, and slimmer midsection that showcases your weight loss as you deserve. Seek out cosmetic options at The Waltzman Institute to achieve your best results. Dr. Josh Waltzman is a board-certified plastic surgeon with exceptional patient experience.

How Can You Tame Your Tummy After Weight Loss?

To tame your tummy, consider abdominoplasty and other sculpting techniques. There are a few different approaches to abdominoplasty, including mini-abdominoplasty, full abdominoplasty, and modified tummy tucks. Speak with Dr. Waltzman to discover which method is the best for you.

Different Tummy Taming Procedures

Full abdominoplasty combines liposuction and excess skin removal. This procedure begins with an incision on the lower belly to minimize the amount of sagging skin between the belly button and the pelvic bone. The muscles in this area are pulled together, which slims the waistline. Then, liposuction eliminates the fat, revealing a toned abdomen.

Full abdominoplasty also involves reconstructing the belly button to show a smoother abdomen. With mini abdominoplasty, an incision is used that does not impact the navel. Mini abdominoplasty is a sought-after choice for clients with minor excess skin.

For a modified tummy tuck, expect a hybrid approach. Specific muscles are targeted to slim down the tummy without removing a large amount of skin, making this an excellent option for patients who want to restore their midsection after diastasis recti, where the muscles of the abdomen become separated. An endoscopic camera is placed through the navel and pubic bone area incisions to access underlying muscles without scarring.

After your tummy tuck, make sure you take enough time to rest and recover before returning to typical activities. Many patients decide to take off from work for about two weeks. The surgery is an outpatient process so that you can go home the same day.

Are There Other Ways to Tame Your Tummy in Long Beach, CA?

You can further tame your tummy by following the following guidelines:

  • Stick to a healthy lifestyle.
  • Eat healthy whole foods.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Limit the amount of sugar you consume.
  • Exercise regularly.

You might also consider doing some abdominal exercises to strengthen your core but only under the guidance of your physical therapist. Pay careful attention to your eating times. Stick to early dinners to give your body time to digest overnight.

Live Your Best Life with Tummy Taming

After reaching your weight loss target and finding you are still not satisfied with your appearance, consider cosmetic surgery to reach your health goals and improve your self-confidence. Contact us online at The Waltzman Institute, or call us on (562) 448-6100 to discuss your options for tummy taming.  You can feel confident in your decision to work with Dr. Waltzman, an expert plastic surgeon with an eye for detail.