Why Consider a Mommy Makeover?

Having a child is probably one of the most wonderful experiences a woman can have. However, the birth, breastfeeding and the pregnancy itself have a serious effect to changes on the body. Weight fluctuations and hormonal changes can take their toll causing noticeable changes in the skin, deflation and sagging of the breasts and loss of abdominal muscle tone. In some cases, women have the ability to “bounce back” and naturally regain most of their pre-pregnancy figure. But in others, even diet and exercise can’t reverse the changes the body has gone through.

Fortunately, Dr. Waltzman is a board certified plastic surgeon that specializes in Mommy Makeover procedures. He and his professional staff are here to help throughout your process and transformation.

How will a Mommy Makeover help me look and feel?

After your baby is born it might feel like you’re looking at a completely different person in the mirror. You may feel like it’s taken a toll on your body and your beauty which can have a stressful impact on your confidence and self-esteem. Some, or all of the procedures that entail in a Mommy Makeover can help you to regain the body and confidence you once had.

The most popular Mommy Makeover procedures include breast augmentation and/or breast lift, liposuction, and tummy tuck (abdominoplasty). Breast augmentation and/or lift are meant to perk up and even increase the size of the breasts. Liposuction is used to permanently reduce fat cells around the abdomen and love handles. A tummy tuck repairs the abdominal muscles to achieve a flatter, more toned stomach. In other words, these procedures can create a more appealing, youthful, ‘hourglass’ figure.

Dr. Waltzman expertly tailors your Mommy Makeover procedures specifically to fit the needs and aesthetic goals of your body.

Why I deserve a Mommy Makeover

Why wouldn’t you deserve it, and when was the last time you did something for yourself? It’s a lot of hard work being a mom, and more often than not, you’re putting your family’s needs in front of your own. There is absolutely everything right with the act of pampering yourself after all the hard work and stress you handle, both mentally and physically.

Mommy Makeover Procedures:

❖ Breast Augmentation and/or Breast Lift – Breast feeding can deflate breasts making them appear saggy and flat. Breast augmentation entails the insertion of a saline or silicone implant that can add volume that’s been lost, or even increase your pre-pregnancy cup size. If the doctor thinks sagging will still occur even with an implant, a lift can be added on to the procedure (or done by itself) to perk up your bust.

❖ Liposuction – Weight fluctuations due to pregnancy or heredity can create stubborn pockets of fat that cannot be reduced or eliminated by diet and exercise. Liposuction can eliminate fat cells in the abdomen, love handles, and thighs etc … By inserting a small cannula into the area(s) of concern, the unwanted fat cells can be suctioned out and never return to create the desired body contour.

❖ Tummy Tuck – During pregnancy the abdominal muscles and skin can be weakened, stretched out and damaged. A tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) procedure entails the removal of excess fat and skin as well as the repairing and tightening of the abdominal muscles.

If you are done having children and are considering a Mommy Makeover then schedule a consultation with The Waltzman Institute. Get your pre-baby body back! (562) 448-6100