Why Facelifts Are Growing More Popular With Younger People

The plastic surgery and beauty niche sees some of the most rapid trend changes from any public industry.

While social media is the driving force behind many of these trends, such as Kylie Jenner’s filler-filled pouting lips, other factors influence people’s decision to consider plastic surgeries earlier in life.

Traditionally, the average age of patients who underwent facelift surgery was in their mid-50s, but plastic surgeons are beginning to see much, much younger patients in the operating room asking for the anti-aging benefits a facelift can offer them.

Here, Dr. Waltzman considers two possible reasons driving this trend – more natural-looking results, and the desire to look younger during their peak professional years.

1. More Natural Results

Patients who choose to get facelift surgery earlier in life, around their late 30s to early 40s, enjoy far more natural-looking results than if they wait to have the procedure performed after the signs of aging have become more apparent.

As wrinkles and skin sagging become more pronounced, turning back the clock becomes far more challenging. As such, when patients get a facelift at a younger age, they’ll enjoy beautifully refreshed outcomes for longer.

2. Youthful Appearance During Peak Professional Years

Most people reach the top of their profession between 45 and 55.

As companies are continually turning to younger, hungrier talent to hire, experienced professionals are looking to give themselves a competitive edge and appear younger during these productive years.

If you find yourself considering a facelift, regardless of your age or circumstances, reach out to Dr. Waltzman to discover how to look your best at (562) 448-6100 or fill out our online form.