Why More Men Are Turning to CoolSculpting

Body sculpting procedures are often associated with women. But as a man, your needs to be confident in your skin are equally important. Besides helping you attain your ideal masculine frame, having a sculpted figure also boosts your self-esteem. It not only helps you look more youthful but goes a long way towards your mental wellbeing.

When it comes to fat loss procedures for men, CoolSculpting stands out with its targeted approach and effective results. As a non-invasive procedure, it eliminates stubborn pockets of fat and gives you a well-contoured figure without surgery, incisions, or injections. Due to this reason, CoolSculpting for men has become quite popular among men who want to lose unwanted fat without excessive downtime.

If you do not like the look of unnecessary fat on your figure, learning why more are turning to CoolSculpting in Long Beach, California can help you determine if the procedure is suitable for you.

CoolSculpting For Men Can Work on Multiple Areas

Instead of being limited to a single region of your body, CoolSculpting can work on multiple areas with ease. This allows you to eliminate hard-to-lose fat from areas including the following.

  • Submental Region (Double Chin)
  • Abdomen
  • Upper Arms
  • Chest
  • Flanks
  • Buttocks
  • Knees

This flexibility is one of the reasons why CoolSculpting is becoming one of the ideal fat loss procedures for men. If you want to get treatment on multiple areas of your body, you can easily do so.

It Is a Noninvasive Procedure

CoolSculpting is a non-surgical and non-invasive procedure, which means that it does not use any incisions or injections. Instead, it utilizes specially designed applicators that will fit specific areas of your body. With the use of fat-freezing technology, these applicators expose fat cells in your areas of concern to colder temperatures without harming the skin.

After CoolSculpting for men freezes these fat cells in place, they start to gradually melt away from the target area on their own. Once 2-3 months have passed since your session, you are left with a sleeker form with significantly less unwanted fat.

It Does Not Involve Excessive Downtime

Unlike some more intensive fat removal surgeries, CoolSculpting does not require you to go through an extended period of recovery. After your CoolSculpting session, you can get back to most daily activities immediately.

As one of the most modern fat loss procedures for men, CoolSculpting comes with minimal side effects. These may include numbness, swelling, or mild discomfort. But these signs usually go away a week after your CoolSculpting session. This ensures that you do not have to hit pause on your daily life to attain your dream figure.

The Results Can Be Exceptional when You Partner with a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon

With hands-on experience of performing CoolSculpting for men in Long Beach, CA, Dr. Waltzman and his team can help you obtain your ideal masculine frame. If you feel ready for a more sculpted, sleeker, and confident form, contact Dr. Waltzman to have a personalized consultation about your CoolSculpting today. You can make your appointment by calling (562) 448-6100 or filling out this online form.