Breast Surgery in Downey

For most people, when you mention breast surgery, they immediately think of breast augmentation. It is the second most frequent cosmetic surgery performed in the United States, but it is not the only type of breast surgery. Pregnancy, breastfeeding, aging, and genetics can all affect the size and shape of your breasts. When you come to The Waltzman Institute, you have the opportunity to select the breast surgery in Downey that could give you the silhouette you are hoping for.

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Josh Waltzman understands how important breasts can be for your self-image. When something about your breasts makes it difficult to look and feel good, your confidence and self-esteem can suffer. For men, having too much breast tissue can be embarrassing. Dr. Waltzman has the training and experience to know how to perform plastic surgeries that could make the changes you desire.

Breast Augmentation

For most women, breast augmentation is done through implants. A variety of implants are available, so you and Dr. Waltzman could work together to select the implants that will work the best for you. You may even use fat harvested from a place on your body you would like to reduce and injected into your breast tissue. After learning more from Dr. Waltzman, you may decide to change the placement of your breasts or lift them to get the effect you desire.

Breast Lift (Mastopexy)

Sagging breasts can appear after pregnancies, significant weight loss, or the passage of time. Genetics plays a role in what your breasts look like and how they will age. When drooping breasts are your main concern, you may want a breast lift. Breast surgery in Downey is completely customizable so that you can address multiple problems like breast placement, droop, shape, and nipple placement. When you would like to add a little volume, a breast lift can be done along with breast augmentation.

Breast Reduction and Gynecomastia

When you are amply endowed but would prefer smaller breasts, breast reduction surgery could be the right choice for you. Some women experience neck, shoulder, and upper back problems because of having to support large breasts, so breast reduction can solve problems you may not have thought your breasts were causing. Breast reduction can also help even out breast size. When combined with a breast lift, a breast reduction may help remedy multiple problems.

For men, gynecomastia is a significant problem when it occurs. Medically it may not need attention, but the psychological impact can be significant. Gynecomastia surgery typically involves liposuction of the chest and might also require excision of tissue behind the areola if necessary. He could help return your self-confidence with expertly done surgery.

Breast Revision and Implant Removal

You may have had breast surgery but are not completely happy with the results. Or you may have been happy right after the surgery, but something has changed over time, and you feel the need for improvement. Dr. Waltzman could assess where you are now, discuss your concerns, and provide a plan to make the changes you desire.

Breast augmentation with implants can evolve over time, and breast implants are not expected to last a lifetime. You may want implant removal or implant exchange. Leaking implants can cause problems or your body may have created a capsule of scar tissue around the implants that are now causing pain or other problems. These issues can be addressed with breast revision surgery.

Whether you are dealing with problems or feel you need an update, any time surgery is going to be repeated in the same area, you need an expert like Dr. Waltzman.

Breast Surgery in Downey Can Address Your Breast Issues

The best way to find out what can be done to help with your breast problems is to have a consultation with Dr. Waltzman. You can tell him what you feel is wrong and what you would like to change. After a careful exam, he could explain your options for making a change and answer all your questions. Together, you may formulate a treatment plan and proceed from there.

Call today to make an appointment to talk about breast surgery in Downey.