Liposuction in Long Beach

People of all ages and sizes can develop “stubborn” pockets of fat. These deposits of fatty tissue are “stubborn” because they’re seemingly impervious to dieting and exercise. And since “spot reduction” workouts are mostly ineffective, targeting this type of fatty tissue is almost impossible. All this means that, no matter how fit they may be, certain people may never achieve a figure that reflects how healthy they become.

Of course, there is a way to attain a sleeker, more athletic figure: liposuction. Liposuction, otherwise known as liposculpture, or “lipo,” is one of the most popular body sculpting procedures of all time. It’s designed to remove these stubborn pockets of fat and leave behind a slimmer, thinner contour.

Liposuction is known for its versatility. It can sculpt small, delicate areas such as the face and large, difficult areas such as the abdomen. When performed by a surgeon like Dr. Josh Waltzman, liposuction surgery can be done with extreme precision.

But what makes Dr. Waltzman the right surgeon to perform your liposuction in Long Beach? For one thing, he understands that it’s more than aesthetics that compels a patient to undergo a major procedure. It’s about pride and confidence – the chance to remodel your figure in a way you’ve always wanted.

With that essential tenet in mind, Dr. Waltzman will treat your case with great care and the utmost compassion. His goal is to create results that work for you and you alone. That’s why Dr. Waltzman will tailor your liposuction treatment to your unique goals and desires.

What Liposuction Does

Liposuction is designed to contour a patient’s figure by removing pockets of fat. It should never be thought of as a weight loss procedure. Liposuction is considered a way for relatively fit patients in Long Beach to sculpt their bodies into a more athletic, refined form. In fact, removing enough fat to count for substantial weight loss would be extremely dangerous. That’s why this procedure won’t remove all the fat in a given area; rather, it sculpts the remaining fat to emphasize muscle tone or help the patient attain a smoother contour.

Because of its incredible versatility, liposuction can target a wide range of areas including:

  • Chin/Neck
  • Arms
  • Abdomen
  • Breasts
  • Flanks
  • Back Fat
  • Thighs
  • Knees

Liposuction can target almost any area of the body. You can learn whether a given area is treatable during your consultation.

What if you or Dr. Waltzman decide that you’re not a good fit for a surgical procedure? Then, you have the opportunity to opt for a non-surgical body contouring procedure like CoolSculpting. And for those looking to eliminate a double chin, Dr. Waltzman offers Kybella®, an injectable that can permanently eliminate a double chin.

The Ideal Candidate for Liposuction

Ideally, patients in Long Beach seeking liposuction should be in relatively good health – and have no untreated diseases. Because liposuction doesn’t remove excess skin, patients should also be within 10 pounds of their ideal weight or at a stable weight that they’re comfortable with. By the same token, it’s crucial that patients have excellent skin elasticity so that the skin can naturally shrink back to the body’s new curves.

The ideal candidate should also have good muscle tone – in other words, patients should be quite fit to undergo liposuction.

Here are a few other characteristics that define an ideal candidate:

  • Non-smoker
  • Has a support system of friends/family that can help them after their surgery
  • Has realistic expectations for what liposuction can do

The Liposuction Consultation

Dr. Waltzman in a white doctor's coat at his plastic surgery office

Waltzman Plastics, Location: Long Beach, CA, Architect: Kamus and Keller

Dr. Waltzman’s main goal for your liposuction consultation? That you come away with a realistic understanding of what your results will be. He accomplishes that by making each consultation informative and thorough.

He’s also dedicated to treating each patient with compassion. Dr. Waltzman will listen intently to the patient’s questions and concerns, and he’ll make sure to answer them before the liposuction consultation is over. Dr. Waltzman will never rush you through the entire process, and your consultation will take as long as you need it to.

The consultation is also where Dr. Waltzman begins his thorough preparation for the liposuction procedure in Long Beach. He’ll look over your medical history to see if you’re a good fit for the procedure and perform a detailed examination. Then, he’ll take some photos to use as a reference and go over what the recovery process entails. He’ll also explain what your likely outcomes will be and what possible risks and complications might occur.

Near the end of your consultation, Dr. Waltzman will present a course of treatment. Dr. Waltzman will always be honest about what’s achievable with liposuction, and he’ll choose the path that will help you meet the most long-lasting results.

How Is Liposuction Performed?

Where your liposuction is performed and what anesthetic is used will depend on what area you’re having treated. Areas like the neck can sometimes be performed using local anesthesia. Liposuction using local anesthesia can be performed in Dr. Waltzman’s medical office in Long Beach. Areas such as the abdomen, hips, and flanks require a larger treatment area. They are performed using general anesthesia in a surgery center or a hospital.

In the first step of Dr. Waltzman’s liposuction, he’ll apply a local anesthetic to the area. Then, he’ll make several small incisions. After that, he’ll infuse a tumescent solution into the body. The tumescent solution is meant to help with patient discomfort, prevent bleeding, reduce trauma to the tissues, and help prepare the fat for removal.

Dr. Waltzman will then insert a cannula – a narrow, hollow tube attached to a vacuum – through the incisions into the fatty layer under the skin. Dr. Waltzman will then break up the fat, extract an appropriate amount, and maneuver the cannula back and forth to sculpt the area.

Once the liposuction is done, Dr. Waltzman will close up the incisions.

Your Recovery from Liposuction

Dr. Waltzman will create personalized liposuction instructions for your recovery. You may need to take a week or two off from work to recover, but Dr. Waltzman will let you know when it’s okay to return.

You’ll be able to go home the same day as your liposuction in Long Beach, but your recovery will depend on what was treated and how aggressive the treatment was.

There are a few side effects associated with liposuction. You will experience some bruising and swelling after your surgery, but this should dissipate over time. To help reduce swelling and to shape the body, you’ll be asked to wear a compression garment for a few weeks.

A majority of the swelling dissipates after a few weeks, but residual swelling can remain after 6 months. By that time, your skin should have gradually shrunk into your new contours, and you should be able to see your full results.

Liposuction is an art form and a science – it requires extreme precision and the ability to create stunning results. For such an important procedure, don’t trust anything less than a skilled board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Waltzman. You can contact him to schedule a consultation in his Long Beach practice.

Schedule Your Liposuction Procedure in Long Beach

To help maintain results, Dr. Waltzman recommends that patients keep up their new figure with a healthy diet and exercise.

Want to learn about liposuction in Long Beach from a renowned plastic surgery expert? Contact Dr. Josh Waltzman now for a consultation in his Long Beach office.

Liposuction Long Beach – FAQ

The lipo recovery period is typically deemed tolerable by many of our patients. The sensation is similar to having a large bruise in the area, and one of being sore rather than sharp pain. And although our patients are given prescription medication to help with any discomfort, many of our patients are eventually able to switch to over-the-counter medication after a few days.

Liposuction requires only small incisions, so after the scars have healed nicely, they’ll resemble small lines and will be mostly imperceptible.

Once the fat cells are removed by liposuction, they’re gone forever and won’t be replaced by other fat cells.

Keep in mind that Dr. Waltzman cannot remove all the fat in a given area – it’s too dangerous. If the patient gains weight, the remaining fat cells will enlarge, like any fat cell would. However, the weight gain will be distributed evenly around the body, so the weight gain will look natural.