Kybella® in Long Beach

Are you self-conscious about your double chin? Does it run in your family? Have you wished for a way to remove your double chin without surgery? Consider Kybella® in Long Beach. Contact our office today to learn more about this non-surgical treatment.

Why Do I Have a Double Chin?

A double chin is caused by excess fat accumulation below the jawline. It affects men and women alike and can result from aging, genetics, and weight gain. This excess fat is typically resistant to diet and exercise. Many people are thin and healthy but still suffer from a double chin.

What Are My Options?

Until now, the most effective way to remove the excess fat was through liposuction, sometimes combined with a neck lift. Liposuction can also be a good option if the skin in the area is firm.

Newer options include CoolSculpting, which freezes the fat that the body then absorbs and excretes, but the treatment takes about 1 hour, and the adapter does not necessarily fit on every chin. Ultherapy uses ultrasound to tighten and lift without surgery. It can last a year or longer and may require maintenance treatments.


For the first time, there is a non-surgical option, an injectable called Kybella®. Kybella® is the first and only FDA-approved injectable approved to reduce fat under the chin. It was designed specifically for people with double chins, no matter the cause. And it is available now.

Kybella® is best for patients in Long Beach with moderate to severe fat accumulation below the jawline. It contains a chemical made in the body called deoxycholic acid, which works to break down the fat that is then naturally eliminated. Kybella® destroys the fat cells permanently. Importantly, Kybella® has a preference for fat, so it will not harm surrounding tissues. Moreover, Kybella® has some advantages over liposuction, such as reduced downtime and lower risk of bruising.

For best results, make sure that your doctor is properly trained, skilled, and experienced. Dr. Waltzman has the training, skills, and experience to safely inject Kybella® to sculpt your new profile.

Kybella® in Long Beach will gradually treat submental stubborn fat without incisions or stitches. The procedure lasts about 15 minutes, with minimal discomfort and downtime. Most people will require two to three visits, spaced a month apart, to achieve the desired effects.

Temporary side effects are swelling, bruising, numbness, and redness. Swelling is associated with the reaction that causes the breakdown of the fat. The swelling will improve over a few weeks, and then the skin will begin to tighten and reveal an improved neckline. While it may cost as much as liposuction, there is no pain and no recovery required; and Kybella® can produce liposuction-like results.

Am I a Good Candidate?

If you have a double chin, this non-invasive treatment could be a good option for you. If your double chin is resistant to lifestyle and diet changes, Kybella® in Long Beach could be the solution. However, if you have a significant amount of loose, sagging skin under your chin, it may not accomplish your goals without a skin tightening procedure.

At your consultation appointment with Dr. Waltzman, you and he will discuss your goals and determine whether you are a good candidate for Kybella®. If so, he will advise you as to how many treatments you will need based on your desired chin profile. Once the desired result is achieved, re-treatment should not be necessary.

If you desire a refined profile, Kybella® may be for you. Kybella® is available now at The Waltzman Institute Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics in Long Beach, CA. Schedule a consultation and find out for yourself.

Schedule Your Kybella® Treatment in Long Beach

Ready to book a procedure with Dr. Waltzman? Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how Kybella® in Long Beach could help you achieve your cosmetic goals.

FAQs for Kybella® | Dr. Waltzman—Plastic Surgeon

Kybella® permanently dissolves fat cells from the treatment area. Unless you gain a significant amount of weight after your procedure, the results that you obtain from your Kybella® treatment remain long-lasting.

Kybella® is a targeted treatment to break down stubborn fat under the chin. It is not ideal as a standalone treatment for those who have significant skin laxity under the neck, which may lead to loose, sagging skin after Kybella® has dissolved the excess fat in the area. For this purpose, you may need to explore treatments such as a neck lift that helps eliminate the appearance of sagging skin under your chin.

The cost for Kybella® depends upon the amount of accumulated fat that you have under your chin and the number of sessions it may take to resolve it completely. At The Waltzman Institute Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics, we make sure to provide you with a personalized treatment plan that addresses your concerns and aims to alleviate the appearance of your double chin. After your consultation and assessment, you will receive a transparent quote that reflects the cost of your treatment plan.

Both CoolSculpting and Kybella® can be used to treat the appearance of double chin. While CoolSculpting uses a fat-freezing applicator device to freeze and dissolve fat cells, Kybella® uses an injectable deoxycholic acid to break down fat cells. The choice of these treatment plans depends upon the amount of submental fat that you have, as well as your personal preference between non-invasive and minimally invasive treatment methods.

After your Kybella® injection, you should keep your head elevated during your sleep. This minimizes swelling and discomfort while you recover from your treatment. After the first few days of your treatment, you can resume your preferred sleeping position.

To learn more about the duration of this precaution, you can follow the personalized suggestions that you get from our team after your Kybella® treatment.

You can shower without any excessive wait after receiving your Kybella® treatment. But you should make sure not to extensively rub the treatment area or put pressure on it. You should also make it a point to use a gentle cleanser or soap during your shower that does not irritate the treatment site.

To prepare for your Kybella® treatment, you can follow these best practices.

  • Do not exercise a day before your Kybella® treatment
  • Stop taking any blood thinning medications after consulting with your doctor
  • Do not participate in any physically straining activities right after your treatment
  • Avoid smoking a few days prior to your treatment
  • If you have a beard or stubble, shave the treatment area

While actions like limiting significant physical activity and stopping blood thinning medications help with swelling and bruising, precautions such as avoiding smoking help your body recover from the treatment quickly.

Typically, you may need two to three Kybella® sessions to see the full effects of the treatment. These sessions are scheduled a month apart. However, depending upon the amount of submental fat that you have, you may require more sessions to achieve your desired results.

At The Waltzman Institute Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics, we design your treatment plan after a detailed consultation. This allows us to outline how many Kybella® sessions you may need in your specific case. In turn, you can manage your expectations, budget, and schedule without any stress.