Body Contouring in Long Beach

The Waltzman Institute, led by board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Josh Waltzman, offers a variety of surgical body sculpting procedures for our patients, including liposuction, tummy tuck, mommy makeover, and non-surgical options, like CoolSculpting body contouring. These procedures are designed to help our patients get rid of stubborn fat, contour their bodies, and boost their self-confidence.

Body contouring can be a truly transformative experience and has helped many of our patients achieve new-found love for their bodies. If you would like to learn more about body contouring in Long Beach and how it can help you become a better version of yourself, call our experienced patient care team today.


Liposuction is perhaps the most effective surgical procedure for removing stubborn, excess, and unwanted fat. A liposuction procedure in Long Beach can help trim and tone all your problem areas, including your stomach, back, legs, chin, neck, buttocks, or arms. Liposuction is designed to remove unwanted fat; however, it is not a total weight loss procedure as some people may believe. At The Waltzman Institute, the ideal candidate for liposuction is a patient that is about 10-15 pounds from their goal weight, and would like to have liposuction to remove stubborn fat and contour their bodies to a more tone and slim physique.

Tummy Tuck

For many of our patients, diet and exercise alone are simply not enough to eliminate stubborn, abdominal fat and excess abdominal skin. In the stomach and midsection region, persistent, unwanted fat and loose skin can accumulate due to various factors out of your control, including age, genetics, and pre-existing health conditions. A tummy tuck, also known as an abdominoplasty, is a favorite procedure for our patients who desire to improve the appearance of their abdominal area, tighten their core muscles, and contour their waistline. Expertly performed by top Long Beach plastic surgeon Dr. Josh Waltzman, a tummy tuck can help you achieve a flatter, tighter, and more defined abdomen.

Mommy Makeover

As a mother, you may have noticed the following issues with your post-pregnancy/post-baby body:

  • Breasts that have lost significant volume and are no longer as round or perky as they once were
  • Stubborn, unwanted fat throughout the body in the arms, thighs, back neck and stomach
  • Signs of aging—including visible loss of volume, uneven skin tone and texture, fine lines, and wrinkles on the face and body

A mommy makeover could fix all of these issues in one total-body transformation. The Waltzman Institute in Long Beach defines a mommy makeover as two or more surgical procedures at once. It is highly customizable to combine your desired surgical procedures and meet your unique body-goals.

Body Lift

Although bariatric surgery can help people attain a healthier life, we don’t acknowledge its most common side effect: excess skin. After years of hard work, some patients are left to deal with unsightly folds of skin. This excess skin can make it difficult for patients to wear their favorite clothes — even after they achieve their goal weight.

With a body lift, Dr. Waltzman can remove excess skin, lift sagging tissues, and help patients achieve the body they deserve. The body lift is a comprehensive body contouring procedure performed in Long Beach that can target the abdomen, arms, thighs, buttocks, face, and neck.

Non-Surgical Body Contouring With CoolSculpting

The most common cosmetic concern our Long Beach patients suffer from is stubborn, unwanted fat. When surgery is not an option, we recommend one of our most popular non-surgical procedures, CoolSculpting—a fat-loss solution that requires almost no recovery time. This procedure can expertly trim, tone, and define each one of your problem areas, including:

  • Arms
  • Muffin tops
  • Love handles
  • Inner and outer thighs
  • The midsection/abdomen/stomach
  • Chin and jawline

CoolSculpting works by using controlled cooling to freeze fat cells—a process known as cryolipolysis. CoolSculpting is highly targeted to one specific treatment area and is effective at only destroying fat cells while leaving surrounding cells undamaged. The destroyed fat cells are then passed naturally through your body’s lymphatic system. Because CoolSculpting permanently destroys your fat cells, your results will last as long as you maintain a healthy diet and exercise.

Book Your Appointment for Body Contouring in Long Beach

Our clinic is a top destination for the most popular body transformation procedures, including liposuction, tummy tuck, mommy makeover, and CoolSculpting body contouring. The Waltzman Institute, led by skilled plastic surgeon Dr. Josh Waltzman, can help give you the body of your dreams.

Our patients from Long Beach and beyond have had their lives transformed by body sculpting at our clinic. We are driven by excellence in our pursuit to pair world-class surgical expertise with compassionate patient care. Contact us today to schedule your consultation for body contouring in Long Beach.

Body Contouring FAQs

Though body contouring and weight loss both reduce your total body fat, they work in very different ways. Weight loss and weight gain is a process of your existing fat cells shrinking or growing. When losing weight, generally the fat cells throughout your body shrink.

With body contouring, the fat cells are directly removed from a specific area of the body. It has been designed especially for people who are a healthy weight or mildly overweight and want to surgically resolve one or two stubborn fatty areas.

As such, body contouring does not generate the same holistic results as weight loss brought on through diet and exercise.

As body contouring is made up of many different methods, each one has a unique treatment plan, and take varying amounts of time. This is true both for how long treatment takes in-office and for recovery times. Liposuctions, for instance, will produce results after a single treatment but requires a few days post-surgery to allow for recovery before you return to work. CoolSculpting, however, as a non-surgical option doesn’t come with any recovery time, though results may not be seen for several weeks after treatment.

Once you have completed a treatment course of your body contouring procedure(s), you will not need any extra treatments to maintain results.

However, body sculpting does not stop your body’s natural processes of weight gain or weight loss, so it is still possible for you to gain back the removed fat. To maintain long-term results, patients should stick to a healthy diet and routinely exercise.

Each patient’s unique body responds differently to CoolScuplting. Some people are able to return to light gym exercise or running the same day they receive the treatment. Others may feel bruised or sore and need a few days of downtime before returning to their usual lifestyle.

Either way works great with the procedure, what is most important is listening to your body and staying comfortable. Downtime will not interfere with results.

Most important to maintaining results is a healthy diet! If you keep up with a balanced intake of calories and food groups, results can last for years.

CoolSculpting is an investment in yourself. The best way to honor this investment and ensure you get the best results is to keep up exercise and a healthy diet. Ideal patients should be already working towards or at their ideal weight.

If you are committed to these lifestyle habits, your results can last a lifetime, though experiences vary based on your unique physiology and genetics. We are happy to discuss all the options available to see if you are a good candidate for CoolSculpting or other body contouring procedures.