Liposuction in Norwalk

Do you look in the mirror and see areas of fat that will not go away despite following a healthy lifestyle? No matter how well you are doing with diet and exercise, there may be areas of fat on your body that do not respond well to all your hard work. Liposuction in Norwalk could bring you closer to your body contouring goals.

Dr. Josh Waltzman, a board-certified plastic surgeon, offers liposuction as part of his range of procedures that help patients improve their appearance. He could help you get rid of the remaining fat that is in the way of having the silhouette you desire.

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a minimally invasive surgical procedure. Through careful liposuction, you can quickly and permanently rid your body of stubborn fat. Liposuction can be used in many areas of your body, including:

  • Arms
  • Back
  • Buttocks
  • Abdomen
  • Chin and neck
  • Hips and thighs
  • Flanks (love handles)
  • Chest, including gynecomastia

When you consult with Dr. Waltzman, he will listen to your aesthetic goals and explain how liposuction could take you closer to your ideal body contours. You may also discuss other options to get rid of stubborn fat, especially when you are not sure you want to have surgery, or liposuction is not right for all the areas you would like to change.

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that requires some anesthesia. For smaller areas, liposuction can be performed with some sedation and tumescent anesthesia.  For larger areas or multiple areas, liposuction is typically performed under general anesthesia under the supervision of a board-certified anesthesiologist.

It is typical for patients to go home within 1-2 hours after their liposuction procedure.  You will want someone to drive you to and from our surgical center on the day of your surgery.

As with any other surgery, there are some risks. The epinephrine in the tumescent fluid helps keep blood loss and bruising to a minimum. Depending on the area treated, there may be a risk of minor nerve damage, but this usually heals with time. You may be prescribed an antibiotic to help avoid infection. Swelling in the treated areas can take several months to resolve after liposuction surgery.You will go home in a compression garment to help minimize swelling during recovery.

The results of liposuction in Norwalk appear quickly. You will immediately notice some changes and further improvement as swelling decreases over the next several months following surgery. Fat cells removed by liposuction do not return, so results are essentially permanent as long as your weight remains stable. Keeping your results long term requires a commitment to a good diet and exercise program. When you gain weight, remaining fat cells will grow in size and possibly cause more stubborn fat that will need liposuction to remove.

You will need recovery time after liposuction. Many patients take one to two weeks off work. Incisions are tiny and heal quickly, but the treated areas may require limited movement to help them heal. After your procedure, you will wear a compression garment to help support healing tissues.

Change Your Shape With Liposuction in Norwalk

Liposuction in Norwalk could permanently give you a slimmer, more youthful appearance that also makes you feel more energetic. At The Waltzman Institute, every patient receives a personalized treatment plan that addresses their unique needs and desires.

Call today to schedule an appointment for a consultation with Dr. Waltzman.