Breast Augmentation in Santa Ana

You may be considering a breast augmentation to add volume to a naturally small or flat physique, balance naturally asymmetric breasts, or restore breast tissue after pregnancy and aging. When you are unhappy with the natural appearance of your breasts, breast augmentation in Santa Ana could change your current look and help you feel better about the way you look in clothes and swimwear.

You will have the opportunity to discuss your cosmetic concerns and goals for breast surgery with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Josh Waltzman, who could help determine the type of breast augmentation that might best meet your goals.

Types of Breast Augmentation

Several types of implants and procedures can be used in breast augmentation, also called breast enlargement or augmentation mammoplasty. The goal of this surgery is to enhance the natural size and shape of the breast tissue and replace volume that may have been lost with weight loss, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or aging.

You have the choice of surgical implants, a breast fat transfer, or implants with a breast lift. Most breast augmentation procedures use breast implants, which come in a range of sizes, shapes, and projections, which indicates of how far from the chest wall your breast will extend.

You and Dr. Waltzman could work together to choose the implant that is most appropriate for your body type and goals during your consultation. In addition to the size and shape, you may also discuss the type of implant to use.

Saline Implants

This type of implant can be inserted and filled after they are placed, which allows Dr. Waltzman to use a smaller incision. They are typically less expensive than silicone implants, and they all have a smooth shell.

Silicone Implants

These implants are filled with silicone gel, so they generally hold their shape better than saline implants over time. Silicone mimics the weight and feel of natural breast tissue more closely.

Autologous Breast Fat Transfer

During this surgery, excess fat is removed from another area of your body, such as your belly or thighs, using liposuction and then injected into the breast tissue. Fat could be paired with implants, since fat tissue from your body can help the implant sit more naturally.

Breast Lift

While breast augmentation can increase the size or change the shape of your breasts, it will not correct sagging breast tissue that can occur with age or after breastfeeding. A breast lift can be combined with an augmentation to elevate the breast tissue after augmentation and raise the nipple to a more natural position.

Am I a Good Candidate for a Breast Augmentation?

This surgery is deeply personal, and it is essential that you are doing it for yourself and not for someone else. When you have realistic expectations of what the surgery can do for you, you are more likely to be satisfied with the results of the procedure.

You should be physically healthy and not pregnant or breastfeeding at the time of the surgery. People whose breasts have lost shape and volume after weight loss, pregnancy, or age and those who feel their breasts are too small are also candidates.

You may also be a good candidate for breast augmentation in Santa Ana when one or both breasts fail to develop normally, or your breasts are asymmetrical.

Discuss your goals at your consultation and recognize that certain lifestyle choices will help improve your recovery, such as eliminating smoking at least six weeks before and after surgery and eliminating alcohol in the week or two weeks before surgery.

What to Expect During Recovery

You can prepare for breast augmentation surgery by filling all your prescriptions prior to surgery. Depending on your situation, you may have pain medication, antibiotics, or other medications based on your medical history.

You will not be allowed to drive, so you will need someone to drive and stay with you for the first one or two days. If you have small children at home, you’ll need help around the house and with childcare for the first several weeks as you will not be allowed to lift anything more than five pounds.

After breast augmentation surgery in Santa Ana, you will receive post-operative instructions that will reduce the potential for complications, including infection. Your breasts may be covered in dressings, and you will be sent home with an elastic bandage or gentle support bra. Immediately after surgery, our patient care team will monitor you closely and determine when you are stable for discharge.

Following your discharge instructions will help you avoid complications and ensure your breast augmentation heals correctly. Wearing loose-fitting clothes can help you feel more comfortable. Dr. Waltzman will advise you when you are able to raise your hands above your head and resume physical exercise.

Call Today to Schedule a Consultation for Breast Augmentation in Santa Ana

At The Waltzman Institute, we have an on-site surgical center, so you get all the medical amenities of a large practice with the personalized, concierge-style service of a small one. Call our office today to schedule an appointment to discuss your breast augmentation in Santa Ana.