10 Tips for Breast Implant Removal Recovery

10 Tips for Breast Implant Removal Recovery

Breast implants are a great solution if you want fuller and perkier breasts. They can fix breast asymmetry or restore flattened, deflated breasts after pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, there may come a day when you will want or need to say goodbye to your breast implants.

There are many reasons why someone would want to have their breast implants removed. It could be due to capsular contracture, implant leak, or malposition, or it could be as simple as wanting to return your natural breast size. Whatever the reasons, The Waltzman Institute can help you replace your implants or remove them without replacing them.

If you are gearing up to have your implants removed, a smooth recovery after breast implant removal is essential to achieving the results you want. At The Waltzman Institute of Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics, our team has performed many breast implant removal procedures and helped lead our patients through seamless recoveries.

Read on to learn these ten tips we recommend to our breast implant removal patients.

1. Follow Your Surgeons Post-Operative Instructions Carefully

Once out of the operating room and in recovery, Dr. Waltzman will go over all your post-operative instructions with you before officially releasing you to go home with a friend or family member. These instructions may include:

  • Medications— You will likely feel the most discomfort in the first 24-48 hours after your breast implant removal procedure. If you are experiencing pain, you should take your prescribed pain medicine. Take your pain medication with food to avoid stomach upset.
  • Dressing and Incision Care— Leave all dressings in place for the first 24 hours after your surgery. After these 24 hours, you can remove your dressings and shower.
  • How to care for surgical drains— If surgical drains were used, follow Dr. Waltzman’s instructions on how to care for them.
  • What activities are recommended and what should be avoided— Make sure that you are up and walking around for at least five minutes every hour. You will find that the more you move around, the better you will feel. Movement helps with swelling and stiffness, and it keeps the blood circulating in your body for better healing. Patients should avoid strenuous activity or any lifting greater than 20 pounds until approved by Dr. Waltzman.

2. Take Prescribed Pain Medication as Directed to Manage Pain

Getting uninterrupted sleep during your recovery is crucial because your body does most of its healing during sleep. If you can’t get enough uninterrupted sleep because you’re waking up in pain, your body isn’t able to do its job healing. Stay on top of your discomfort by coming up with a pain management schedule where you take your prescribed pain medication every 5-6 hours or as instructed by Dr. Waltzman. If you are on a pain management schedule, this will prevent the pain from becoming too intense. You’ll be able to relax, get rest, move around a little bit, and breeze through your recovery.

3. Apply Cold Compresses to Reduce Swelling and Discomfort

Prepare a set of cold compresses before your surgery that you can apply for no longer than 20 minutes every hour. This will help alleviate inflammation, reduce swelling, and keep you more comfortable as it relieves pain.

4. Avoid Physical Activity, Including Exercise, For Several Weeks After Surgery

During your recovery, your priority should be entirely focused on rest and recovery. For the first two weeks of your recovery, physical activity should remain limited to short walks throughout the house. Avoid lifting anything that weighs more than 10 pounds or even raising your arms above your shoulders. Staying stationary during the first few weeks of your recovery will give your chest a chance to heal without interference. After about 4-6 weeks, once you are cleared by Dr. Waltzman, you can start incorporating exercise back into your routine again. Remember that it is normal to get fatigued more quickly after surgery. Pace yourself, and don’t overdo it.

5. Wear a Supportive Bra or Compression Garment as Recommended By Your Surgeon

Compression garments are a key component for your breast implant removal recovery. They accelerate healing by managing swelling and discomfort and providing support to the breast tissue and skin.

Compression garments offer several advantages during recovery, including:

  • Reduce swelling, bruising, and skin sagging
  • Promote blood circulation
  • Reduce post-operative discomfort
  • Provide comfortable support

In some instances, Dr. Waltzman will fit you with a medically approved compression garment. You should wear this at all times, except when showering. During your initial follow-up appointment with Dr. Waltzman, he will tell you when you can remove the compression garment for extended periods of time.

6. Follow A Nutritious and Healthy Diet to Support Your Body’s Healing Process

The meals you choose to eat in the months following your breast implant removal procedure can affect your recovery and healing. Food provides fuel for our body to work at its most optimal level. Being aware of nutritional benefits can help prevent post-surgery complications like infections and constipation.

When preparing for your surgery, fill your fridge and pantry with fresh produce, lean proteins like chicken, fish, and turkey, and fiber-packed products like legumes. Try to avoid reaching for processed foods even though they are convenient. You can even prepare meals and freeze them for easy accessibility during your recovery, so you’re not tempted to go for the unhealthy options.

7. Get Enough Rest and Sleep to Allow Your Body to Recover

Depending on your job, you may need to take between one to two weeks off of work. During this time, sleep as much as you feel you need. Your entire focus should be to rest and take catnaps throughout the day if you’re feeling fatigued. Feeling tired is your body’s way of telling you it needs rest and recovery.

8. Stay Hydrated and Drink Plenty of Fluids to Prevent Dehydration

Drinking plenty of water helps to flush out toxins from your body, keep your organs hydrated and working properly, and help to avoid constipation and illness. Keep a container of fresh water by your bedside at all times and sip on it continuously throughout the day. Avoid carbonated, sugary, alcoholic, and heavily caffeinated beverages for at least six weeks after your procedure to give your body ample time to heal.

9. Seek Emotional Support from Friends, Family, or a Mental Health Professional If Needed

Deciding to surgically change anything about your appearance is a significant life-altering decision. Healing can also feel like an isolating experience that wears on your body and mind. Don’t be ashamed or even hesitate to ask for emotional and physical help from those closest to you or from a mental health professional. This compassionate support will help you feel motivated even on your worst days.

10. Attend Follow-Up Appointments with Your Surgeon To Monitor Your Recovery Progress and Address Any Concerns

During the beginning of your breast implant removal recovery, you will need extra medical attention to remove sutures and monitor your healing process. Dr. Waltzman will schedule multiple post-procedure follow-up appointments that you’re expected to attend. During these appointments, he’ll review your healing progress, make recommendations to help you safely recover, and ensure that you’re achieving the best results possible.

Partner With Dr. Waltzman for Your Implant Removal Surgery and Recovery

Dr. Waltzman brings a unique blend of artistry, skill, and compassion to his craft as a plastic surgeon. From the moment you call our office for a consultation to the final visit of your recovery, Dr. Waltzman will work with you personally to ensure your safety and desired aesthetic goals are being met. If you’re interested in making a change by removing your breast implants and want more information, we invite you to visit us and learn more about what our practice has to offer.

You can schedule a consultation with Dr. Waltzman by completing our online consultation form or by calling our office at (562) 448-6100.