
  • 5 Skincare Essentials Every Woman Over 40 Should Be Using
    5 Skincare Essentials Every Woman Over 40 Should Be Using
    Growing older, accumulating worldly experience, and garnering valuable achievements is an empowering feeling, to say the least. But even while aging brings an abundance of positivity to the table, it also contributes to various skin conditions that may dampen your personal sense of wellbeing.That is why women over 40 often must worry about issues such as wrinkles, creases, blemishes, and...
  • Why Would you Have a Fat Transfer to Your Breasts?
    Why Would you Have a Fat Transfer to Your Breasts?
    Breast augmentation is the most popular cosmetic surgery conducted in the United States. With over 310,000 operations a year, getting larger, firmer, more shapely breasts seems to be a high priority for many women. However, there is a trend beginning to appear in which women seek to remove their breast implants, as caused by a change in lifestyle, physical appearance...
  • Want to Go Bigger or Smaller? Maybe You Need a Breast Implant Exchange
    Want to Go Bigger or Smaller? Maybe You Need a Breast Implant Exchange
    Breast augmentation is the most popular cosmetic procedure in the U.S., with over 313,000 patients opting for the surgery each year. However, as the number of women choosing breast augmentation increases, so too does the number of women looking to alter the results of their initial procedure. Wanting to go bigger or smaller can be due to many reasons—lifestyle changes, career...
  • Breast Implant Removal: 4 Key Aspects You Should Know
    Breast Implant Removal: 4 Key Aspects You Should Know
    Breast implant removal and breast reduction surgeries are on the rise. As more people adopt a fitness-centric lifestyle, large breasts can often inhibit exercise, and the adverse impacts of having overly large breasts relative to a woman’s physique are well-documented. While breast implant removal surgery can be a highly satisfying procedure, women considering the surgery must be fully aware of...
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