
  • How Long Does Kybella Last?
    How Long Does Kybella Last?
    If you are concerned about the appearance of submental fat or a double chin, getting Kybella® can help you attain a slimmer and contoured chin profile. As the only injectable that is FDA-approved for the treatment of a double chin, Kybella® stands out as a practical and non-surgical solution.But as you consider going through this minimally invasive treatment, you may...
  • 5 Days After Kybella: A Guide
    5 Days After Kybella: A Guide
    As a revolutionary non-surgical double chin treatment, Kybella in Long Beach, CA gradually eliminates fat from under your chin. By revealing a tightened and firmer jawline without surgery, this injectable treatment stands out with its benefits.Since Kybella injections only take a few minutes, you might be looking forward to the treatment itself. To help you enjoy the benefits of Kybella...
  • Coolsculpting vs. Kybella vs. Liposuction: Which Eliminates Your Double Chin Better?
    Coolsculpting vs. Kybella vs. Liposuction: Which Eliminates Your Double Chin Better?
    No matter your age, the appearance of a double chin is enough to dampen your spirits. A double chin can make you look older than your actual age and create the illusion of excess weight. And in addition to affecting your chin profile, it also diminishes your confidence.If you have been wondering about the best treatment for double chin, you...
  • Get Rid of Your Double Chin: Kybella or Neck Lift?
    Get Rid of Your Double Chin: Kybella or Neck Lift?
    As many people approach middle age and beyond, they develop the dreaded double chin that can include sagging, excess skin or fat, or a receding profile. While this is a common issue, it is not one that needs to be lived with. There are procedures and surgeries available today that can improve the appearance of your chin, define your profile,...
  • You Don’t Need Surgery to Eliminate Your Double Chin
    You Don’t Need Surgery to Eliminate Your Double Chin
    There are many different reasons you may have a “double chin,” which can cause you to feel self-conscious about your neck or face. This blog examines the causes of double chin and presents a non-surgical option for treatment. Why Do I Have a Double Chin? Submental fullness, also known as a double chin, may be caused by a number of...
  • Double Chin Treatment Options
    Double Chin Treatment Options
    If you’re self-conscious about your double chin, there are multiple solutions. The most common cause of a double chin is a layer of subcutaneous fat beneath the chin and around the neck. Fat that lies directly under the skin is called subcutaneous. Double chins can develop due to weight gain, but even individuals near their ideal weight can have subcutaneous fat. Double chins...
  • Kybella – The non-invasive solution to a double chin
    Kybella – The non-invasive solution to a double chin
    Are you self conscious about your double chin? Does it run in your family? Have wished for a way to remove your double chin without surgery? Why do I have a double chin? A double chin is caused by excess fat accumulation below the jawline. It affects men and women alike, and can result from aging, genetics, and weight gain....
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