Gift Yourself Your Dream Figure with These Body Procedures

We’ve all been there this time of year, celebration after celebration, invitations stacking up like the kids’ Christmas lists. Thanksgiving dinners followed by endless Christmas parties and unexpected gatherings of all kinds. Then, of course, the biggest party of them all, New Year’s Eve. It isn’t hard to imagine how much pressure is put on us all to look our best in those little black dresses. Unfortunately, like so many years before, rigorous fitness routines and miracle diets have taken a back seat to playing chauffeur, chef, stylist, janitor, personal secretary; you know all those hats moms get to wear.  So, what are you going to do, show up to the festivities and feel defeated once again in 2019? Not anymore! Make this year different and schedule a consultation to learn more about these body procedures:

Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck is the surgical procedure of removing excess skin and layers of stubborn fat. Fluctuating weight and pregnancy take a toll on every woman’s body. For a few, a healthy diet and exercise routine can get them back to their pre-pregnancy shape, but not all. For some of us, our bodies just can’t quite make the transition. Loose skin and unsightly bulges are a constant reminder of the battle we’re losing. If you’re tired of camouflaging your troubled mid-section, a tummy tuck might be right for you.

During the procedure, incisions will be made just above the pubic bone and around the belly button. Excess skin will be removed, and the muscles underneath will be tightened. Finally, the belly button will be repositioned. After a short recovery, you’ll enjoy a new figure, tightened core, and a wonderful new confidence.


Liposuction is designed to remove pockets of unwanted fat. It can be performed on many targeted areas of the body. The neck, back, arms, and abdomen are just a few places where liposuction can have a positive result. If your exercise routine and diet have achieved the body you want, but you still have areas that just don’t seem like they are changing, liposuction can help.

A solution that helps fat deposits to be removed easily is injected into the stubborn area as the procedure begins. A small cannula is inserted and gently moved around to make sure that an appropriate amount of fat is removed. Once completed you will find you are well on your way to the sleeker, more sculpted look you’ve desired.


CoolSculpting is a revolutionary new non-surgical fat reduction treatment that can be used in multiple areas of the body. For many women that have stubborn pockets of fat, traditional surgical procedures may not be an option. Some don’t have the time for a recovery period, others may not be a candidate for surgery, or maybe their troubled spots just don’t warrant a complex procedure. For them, CoolSculpting can achieve the results they desire without the hassle of surgery.

Fat cells are destroyed and flushed out of the body by freezing the subcutaneous fat under the skin. Because the treatment is painless, there is no need for anesthesia. Most patients report a cooling and slight tugging sensation coming from the device. Treatment times vary depending on the area targeted but once completed the patient can immediately return to their normal activities. Results may take up to three months to see their full effect but once finished you will enjoy the slimmer profile.

Mommy Makeover

Motherhood can be a roller-coaster ride for anyone, but the joy of having a new baby can make the ups and downs worth it. As many moms will tell you, the baby may take precedence over everything in our lives but if you don’t take care of yourself it’s easy to become overwhelmed very quickly. Don’t let the physical changes after pregnancy become overbearing, consider the mommy makeover to get you back to that pre-pregnancy physique.

This makeover is a combination of procedures designed to give your entire body a new look. Since it’s completely customizable each procedure is different. Your areas of concern might be your tummy and arms while others might find their face and thighs unbecoming. Tummy tucks, facelifts, breast augmentation or breast lifts can all be combined to take you from frumpy to sexy.

Call The Waltzman Institute today (562) 448-6100. Don’t let unsightly bulges and sagging skin ruin another holiday season.