How Can Breast Augmentation Create a Balanced Figure?

If you are considering breast augmentation surgery, you likely already know that breast implants will increase the size of your bust. What you may not have considered is how the change in the shape of your breasts can bring balance to your body architecture as a whole. Your larger and newly-shaped breasts offer benefits to your overall appearance.

How does breast size affect the balance of my figure?

It is not uncommon for our patients who are considering breast augmentation surgery to describe feeling “mismatched,” or that the size and shape of their bust are not in alignment with the size and shape of their hips or buttocks.  These patients may have had a lifetime of difficulty finding clothing that fits well when their chest is sized smaller than their lower body.  Women with disproportionately smaller chest size lack curves that could fill out their tops.

Dresses that may fit around the waist, hips, and butt are usually sagging at the top, while those that are the proper size up top are too tight below the waist. This can be frustrating and limiting, keeping these women from wearing the clothes they want and having the body that makes them feel well-proportioned.

Lack of balance in the figure can show up in a number of ways. Another common concern from women who are considering breast augmentation stems from wide shoulders that seem overly large due to small breasts. This imbalance can make women feel as if they have a masculine shape.

What can breast augmentation do to balance my figure?

Breast augmentation surgery offers patients the opportunity to have the size and shape chest they want. Enhancing the projection of the breasts and curves of the upper body can create a more feminine, balanced form that can improve the looks of both the upper and lower body.

There are many different variables and options to consider when choosing the type, shape, and size implant that is right for you. Breast implants can be placed over or under the pectoral muscles, and incisions can be made under the breasts, in the armpits, or around the areolas. Dr. Waltzman will guide you through your many options prior to surgery.  After an extensive physical exam, reviewing your medical history, and discussing your personal goals, Dr. Waltzman will work with you to come up with a personalized surgical plan that is just right for your body.

Many factors will be taken into account, including the natural architecture of your body. The shape and size of your shoulders, waist, hips, and buttocks will be considered carefully. Whether you are considering a saline-filled or silicone gel implant, you have size and shape options that will allow you to best complement your body and balance out any disproportions.

If you feel that you have an unbalanced or disproportionate figure because of your breast size, reach out to schedule your personal consultation with Dr. Waltzman. Call (562) 448-6100 today and discover the possibilities for a natural-looking, balanced silhouette!