Keep 2020 Fitness Resolutions with a Little CoolSculpting Boost

Obtaining and keeping a desirable physique has to be the most common new years’ resolution, and for a good reason. 

Having a body that you are proud of, a body that you feel comfortable, confident and healthy in, is one of the leading factors contributing to a positive self-image. But getting your physique to that stage can be a challenge. 

Coolsculpting is a revolutionary fat reduction technique that can help people achieve, and then find the motivation to maintain, their ideal body shape. 

If you find yourself struggling to put the finishing touches on your physique to look your best for 2020, but you aren’t ready or able to have surgery, Coolsculpting offers an ideal solution. Coolsculpting provides body contouring results that kickstart your dream physique and provides you with the motivation you need to keep working on your shape.

What is Coolsculpting?

Coolsculpting is a body contouring technique that uses fat-freezing technology to permanently eliminate fat cells from the body. The Coolsculpting device sucks subcutaneous fat cells toward the surface of the skin and supercools them to destroy them. 

Once the fat cells have been destroyed and the session is finished, patients can leave the clinic; over the next two-three months, those fat cells are naturally eliminated from the body, resulting in a 20-25% reduction in fat in that area.

How will Coolsculpting Help me Achieve my Fitness Goals?

Keeping a body in top shape takes the right attitude, approach, and motivation. 

Patients must remember that Coolsculpting isn’t a fat loss procedure, and it doesn’t remove the substantial amounts of fatty tissue that surgical procedures such as liposuction can.

What Coolsculpting can do, is to eliminate pockets of fat around trouble areas that are particularly resistant to diet and exercise, such as the abdomen, love handles, chest, upper arms, chin, and buttocks. 

Coolsculpting is highly beneficial because it gives patients transformative results in their most difficult areas. People who are already fit and have appealing physiques get that extra boost they need to look their best, and this inspires them to maintain their healthy eating patterns and increase their exercise to keep looking as good as they do after Coolsculpting treatments.   

For many people, Coolsculpting helps them with what is known as the ‘kickstart effect’.

The Kickstart Effect

When people already have relatively low amounts of body fat, it becomes incredibly difficult to drop that number lower. 

Your nutrition has to be spot on, and your exercise routine flawlessly pursued. It can become demotivating after months of seeing little to no improvement past this point, which is where a procedure like Coolsculpting is beneficial. 

With Coolsculpting, patients can actually realize the full potential of their physique. This can be incredibly motivating and propel people towards maintaining their plastic surgery investment. The beauty of Coolsculpting is that no aspect of life is altered – immediately following the procedure, patients can pursue the most rigorous of routines to maintain and even improve upon the results of their Coolsculpting.

No Downtime

Some patients may not be suitable for surgical procedures, others don’t have the time to deal with a recovery period, and some may feel that their body doesn’t quite need surgery.

It is in cases such as these that Coolsculpting is undeniably one of the best options available. 

Plastic surgery procedures, such as tummy tucks and breast lifts, are incredibly beneficial to some patients, but they do require some downtime to achieve those results. 

And, it is during times of recovery that some patients can get out of their routine, and struggle to start it up again once they have fully recovered. Coolsculpting has the opposite effect by providing rapid results that show patients their potential and encourage them to pursue that ideal immediately following the procedure.

Coolsculpting is truly a game-changer in the plastic surgery industry. Because it is non-invasive, requiring no anesthesia and no recovery time, patients can achieve a physique, a mindset, and motivation that they never thought possible. Dr. Josh Waltzman of The Waltzman Institute is a Coolsculpting specialist in Long Beach, CA. Call him on (562) 448-6100 or fill out his online form to arrange your personal consultation and realize the physique of your dreams.