Pre-Summer Procedures to Book ASAP

The winter months are over and spring is in the air. If you want to start the season with a refreshened facial appearance and move into summer with a refined body contour, you can consider some of our favorite cosmetic treatments. There are several procedures to choose from, here are a few:

Bikini Ready Body

Nothing discourages wearing a bikini more than not being completely satisfied by the appearance of your body. Whether pregnancy or weight fluctuations have altered your body by creating stubborn fat deposits or loose skin, we have multiple treatments to help. Each has its place in our selection of body shaping options.


CoolSculpting can freeze away unwanted fat cells permanently without surgery. Less fat means a finely sculpted body and it is achievable with this procedure. CoolSculpting provides:

  • Permanent Results – Eliminated fat cells are gone for good because they don’t regenerate in adults.
  • Great Results – Procedure averages 20% fat reduction with one treatment.
  • Quick Procedure – Treatment can get you in and out in less than an hour.
  • No Downtime – You can go back to normal activities right after treatment.
  • Target Problem Areas – Go right to the problem areas like upper arm, love handles, thighs, legs, back or belly.


When a surgical procedure is necessary to provide the results you desire, liposuction may be your best choice. Compared to other cosmetic surgeries, it is less-invasive and delivers fantastic results. The incisions are small and the recovery is moderate. You’ll be swimsuit ready in a few weeks.

Liposuction can also target specific parts of the body and is a great procedure to combine with other body contouring surgeries to maximize your results.

Tummy Tuck

Pregnancy and weight fluctuations may leave your body with a belly which is soft and sags. Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure which eliminates stubborn fat pads and excess skin while reinforcing the abdominal muscles. This leaves you with a firm and taut tummy.

Recovery is extensive, lasting up to eight weeks. So, if you’re trying to get summer ready with this procedure, you must act quickly.

Breast Surgery

Your breasts’ appearance is also affected from age, pregnancy, and weight loss. Nothing is more important to a woman’s body-esteem than the feminine shape of her breasts. Breast surgery can correct breasts which have lost volume, sag, or droop. There is also breast reduction surgery which can effectively provide comfort and build your desired appearance.

Breast augmentationbreast lift, and a breast lift with implants are procedures which can provide the shape and feminine confidence you may be missing.

Stunning Facial Beauty

If you are looking to start the season with a refreshed facial appearance, we can provide tailored facial enhancement procedures for your unique issues and concerns.


Eliminate expression lines and wrinkles with the most popular cosmetic procedure in the world. Botoxeliminates facial signs of aging around the eyes, brows, and forehead. Treatments are quick and can last into the fall months. Follow up injections can continue the results as you see fit.

Dermal Fillers

We have an array of aesthetic fillers from Juvederm, Restylane, Radiesse and more.  Each of the fillers we offer are designed for specific facial issues and areas. Plump up your cheek area, lips, and other facial contours and see results for up to a year.

These products can quickly and effectively smooth over any facial imperfections, giving you facial beauty to last for the summer and beyond.


Facelift surgery is designed to provide underlying tissue support and eliminate wrinkles and fine lines to the mid-face areas of the cheek down to the jawline. This anti-aging surgery will turn back the clock on facial aging, providing several years of youthful looking skin presence and beauty.

Recovery time can be a few weeks, but the results are worth the wait.

Eyelid surgery

Drooping eyelids or sagging undereye circles are not convenient for summer events or vacations. Eyelid surgery can replace a tired and worn look with a bright and youthful appearance. Your friends and family will be commenting on how great you look.

Next Step

To find your perfect summer look, start by scheduling a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Josh Waltzman. The consultation will give you all the information necessary to decide which procedure is right for you.

Call (562) 448-6100 or schedule a consultation here.