Remove Stubborn Fat with CoolSculpting

What is Coolscuplting?

Voted the best body treatment by NewBeauty Magazine. CoolSculpting, developed by Harvard scientists, is a revolutionary new procedure approved by the FDA. Finally there is a procedure that removes stubborn fat. It is a non-invasive alternative to liposuction that can sculpt your body even when you are in shape. It is a refining shaper for sculpting. You may lose inches but you won’t lose weight.

How Coolsculpting works

CoolSculpting involves freezing the fat cells just below the skin to kill them, without damaging surrounding tissues. The fat cells die over a period of 3-4 months, pass out of the body as waste. Once fat cells die, they cannot grow back in that area.

Men love it because it works for that beer belly and love handles! Women love it for those stubborn areas that won’t go away no matter how much cardio or dieting they do. Do you want a flat stomach? Hate your muffin top? Suffer from saddlebags? Want to get rid of flabby upper arms? Have back flab? Want a slimmer waist? This non-invasive and relatively painless body contouring procedure may be for you.

CoolSculpting Results

Clinical Studies reported a 20-25% a reduction of subcutaneous fat with one treatment. 86% of those treated saw improvements. Patient satisfaction is higher than for other noninvasive procedures. We can’t all be perfect, but CoolSculpting improves your chances. It is just a fraction of the cost of liposuction with no downtime and no anesthesia.

In an hour or two, this in office procedure can give you near perfection. The price varies depending the areas to be treated, the number of sessions required and your goals.

In Long Beach, CA get Coolsculpting at The Waltzman Institute today. Plastic surgeon Dr. Josh Waltzman will determine whether you are a good candidate. Dr. Waltzman will give you a personalized, custom treatment plan tailored to your body and your budget.