Facelift Recovery

The Facelift Consultation

During facelift consultations, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss the areas you would like to enhance and learn about which procedures will produce the best results. Equally important, a consultation allows patients to develop a realistic understanding of what facelift surgery can accomplish. A thorough discussion of the results of facelift as well as the potential benefits of facelift surgery can help patients avoid disappointment or dissatisfaction after the procedure. The team at The Waltzman Institute prides ourselves on clearly explaining the procedure and the recovery process.

The Day before Facelift Surgery

Hair should be washed thoroughly the day before facelift surgery to minimize the risk of infection. Additionally, alcohol should be avoided the night prior to the procedure. Patients should also make sure to get a good night’s sleep, since it is important to be well rested during facelift surgery.

The Day of Facelift Surgery

Facelift surgery usually takes between two and four hours, depending on each person’s cosmetic needs. Patients will be given either local or general anesthesia prior to surgery; since the effects may last well beyond the time needed to perform the procedure, they should not plan on driving themselves home. Once surgery is over, patients generally receive a detailed list of post-operative facelift instructions from their surgeon. These should be followed precisely to ensure a successful recovery period.

Arranging Transportation and After-care

Although discomfort should be minimal immediately following facelift surgery, patients will not be in a condition to drive home. Their head will be bandaged and they may still be experiencing the effects of anesthesia. They should therefore arrange for transportation to and from the Long Beach, CA outpatient surgery location with a friend or family member. Additionally, many patients elect to stay overnight in a recovery suite which has round the clock nursing care. During the week following facelift surgery, they should also plan on maintaining a relatively light schedule. Often, having someone to help with everyday activities such as cooking and cleaning can make the recovery period much easier.

A facelift can produce excellent results; however, the recovery and healing time should be taken into consideration before undergoing this cosmetic procedure. Read the information below to learn more about facelift recovery.

What to Expect after Facelift Surgery

A facelift is a powerful surgical procedure that can help patients look younger by removing facial wrinkles and tightening loose facial skin and muscles. During the facelift procedure, excess skin and fat are trimmed away through incisions that separate the skin from the underlying tissue.

After surgery, the head and face will be loosely bandaged to help reduce swelling and bruising. A drainage tube may be inserted behind the patient’s ear to prevent blood and fluid from collecting under the skin. Pain medication is usually used to make the patient feel as comfortable as possible following surgery.

During the facelift recovery, patients should allow for adequate healing time and expect some postoperative swelling, numbness, and skin discoloration for about two weeks. All incisions and dressings should be kept dry until the surgeon indicates that showering or bathing is okay. For the first few days, the head should be kept elevated in order to minimize swelling. Most stitches will be removed in about one week, and the initial facelift results will be apparent soon afterward.

Facelift Healing Time

The facelift healing time and recovery period can last anywhere from one week to several weeks, depending on the type of facelift surgery undergone. Most patients can return to work from a standard facelift in 10 days to two weeks, and patients who choose a mid facelift can expect about the same amount of recovery time.

Some things, such as blow-drying your hair and wearing earrings, may be prohibited for a longer period of time. For the first few days or weeks, depending on your procedure, only walking and mild stretching are appropriate physical activities. Vigorous exercise, heavy housework, and sexual activity should be avoided for at least the initial two weeks after surgery. Alcohol, saunas, and steam rooms should be avoided for several months. During the facelift recovery period, extra rest is very important to promote proper healing.